Encounters müzik eleştirmenlerinden iyi notlar almaya devam ediyor.
Prestijli müzik inceleme platformu Sputnik Music’te albümümüz ile ilgili iki adet yazı yayınlandı. Her iki inceleme de Encounters’a 4 yıldız veriyor.
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Encounters 18 Şubat 2017’de Fluttery Records etiketiyle tüm dünyada dağıtıma girmişti. Albümü dijital ortamda dinlemek ya da sipariş etmek için iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp ve Google Play platformlarını kullanabilirsiniz.
Encounters features some truly wonderful moments throughout and because it’s a coherent album the listeners will only get the full experience if they listen from the beginning to end. Be prepared to be put into a dream like state.
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I would like to analyze each song, but that would mean that I have to tear each song into pieces, chewing on them and digesting them into these lines I am currently writing. Therefore I would take this album as it is. Listen, love and let it just “be”… Experience the flowness, painfulness, easiness, heaviness, harmlessness, relieveness, happiness and sadness of overall existence with this album. Connect each song of something in you, because each of them is truly unique in this genre.
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